日期: 2024年5月18日,星期六
时间(s): 8:00am and 11:30am (see details below)
地点: Stocker Stadium and streaming online
卡pp电子极速糖果 and 卡pp电子极速糖果的科技 will celebrate graduates at two ceremonies on 2024年5月18日,星期六 based on the degree or certificate being conferred. 停车场 will open one hour before each ceremony.
流媒体: 上午8:00流媒体链接 11:30am流媒体链接
Each ceremony will host specific degrees and majors. Graduates are expected to go to the ceremony for their degree and major.
8:00am ceremony includes graduates earning the following:
- 大专文凭 (所有)
- 应用科学学士
- 刑事司法:POST学院
- 跨学科研究
- 文学学士
- 应用人类学 & 地理位置
- 艺术历史
- 刑事司法
- 幼儿特殊教育
- 基础教育(全部)
- English, English: Writing, and English: Secondary Education
- History and History: Secondary Education
- 文科:通识研究
- 大众传播
- 政治科学
- Psychology and Counseling Psychology
- 社会学
- 西班牙语:西班牙研究
- 工作室艺术
- 戏剧艺术
- 美术学士 (所有)
- 音乐学士 (所有)
- 音乐教育学士 (所有)
- 理学学士
- 生物科学(全部)
- 化学与生物化学
- Environmental Science and Technology
- 地质:地质
- Mathematics and Mathematics: Secondary Education
- 物理
- 专业证书 (所有)
- 技术证书 (所有)
11:30am ceremony includes graduates earning the following:
- 应用科学学士
- 工商管理
- 计算机信息系统
- 酒店管理
- 文学学士
- Kinesiology: Adapted Physical Education
- 运动学:K-12教育
- 工商管理学士 (所有)
- 理学学士
- 会计(所有)
- 计算机信息系统
- 计算机科学
- 施工管理
- 工程(所有)
- 运动科学
- 健身及促进健康
- 户外康乐产业研究
- 体育运动管理
- 护理学学士学位 (所有)
- 放射学学士学位 (所有)
- 社会工作学士 (所有)
- 毕业证书 (所有)
- 硕士学位 (所有)
Guests and ceremony participants are strongly encouraged to park in the Lincoln Park main lot. 鼓励拼车. See the 停车及交通流量图 for parking lot and pedestrian entrances. Note that the 12th Street parking lot entrance only allows right-turn entrance and exit. Those heading south on 12th Street will need to use the Gunnison Avenue parking lot entrance. 的 North Avenue stadium entrance will be closed to all vehicles and pedestrians.
5月8日星期三- 帽 & Gown pre-orders 10:00am to 4:00pm at the Maverick Store interior entrance
- Names Cards 8:30am - 4:30pm at a table near the Maverick Store interior entrance
- 帽 & Gown available inside Maverick Store
- Names Cards 10:00am - 2:00pm at a table near the Maverick Store interior entrance
If you are unable to pick up your items on these two days, 你可以在毕业典礼前到Maverick商店购买帽子和礼服,然后到洛厄尔海尼大厅的注册办公室领取名片. For students who do not live locally, 从主入口进入斯托克体育场后,当您到达Suplizio棒球场看台北侧的仪式时,您将获得名片.
Please bring a photo ID to pick up the following:
- 帽 and Gown: All online orders placed for in-store pick up will be available. You can also purchase stoles of gratitude, hoods, alumni gear, and more.
- Name Card: 的 Registrar's Office will print your name card for the ceremony. You will need to bring it with you on commencement day, as it is used to read your name as you walk across the stage.
- 学术荣誉证书和部门荣誉奖章(如果适用):注册办公室将自动为符合条件的学生提供荣誉证书和奖章.
所有的毕业生, regardless of attending the commencement ceremony, should complete the Exiting Graduate Survey. A link will be emailed to you prior to graduation. 调查, which inquires about plans after graduation, should take approximately 5 minutes to complete. 研究结果将有助于学术部门和学校更好地为学生毕业后的生活做好准备.
- Summer Term* - December 毕业典礼
- Fall Term - December or May 毕业典礼
- 春季学期-五月开学
学生有责任确保他们注册了必要的课程,或者使用“毕业计划表”或“学位工作计划”向注册办公室存档计划,其中概述了如何满足所有要求. In the four months prior to the ceremony, 学生必须按期完成所有要求,才有资格参加毕业典礼.
*暑期毕业生必须在4月15日之前注册一门或多门不超过6学分的暑期课程或不超过12学分的实习课程,才能参加之前的五月典礼. 的 student must be able to finish the summer coursework by the end of the summer term.
Guests and ceremony participants are strongly encouraged to park in the Lincoln Park main lot. 鼓励拼车. See the 停车及交通流量图 for parking lot and pedestrian entrances. 停车 will also be available in all pp电子极速糖果 parking lots free of charge. 出席第一场典礼的嘉宾及毕业生应于典礼后迅速离开体育馆及停车场,以免引致出席第二场典礼的人士拥塞.
Guests should arrive about 45 minutes before the ceremony. 客人可以从林肯公园主停车场的主入口进入体育场,也可以从第12街入口进入. 的 North Avenue stadium entrance will be closed. Arriving at this entrance will require you to walk around to the other entrances.
Seating is on either side of the Stocker Stadium. 场地北侧系绳隔离区后方设有有限座位,供毕业生使用. Guests are not allowed in any of the reserved areas. ADA座位仅限ADA客人加一人,先到先得.
Guests should remain in their seats once the ceremony has started. Photographs may be taken from your seat. 专业摄影师会在毕业生上台前和他们与总统握手时给他们拍照.
一旦第一个仪式结束, please exit the stadium promptly to avoid congestion of those arriving for the second ceremony.
Graduates should arrive at Stocker Stadium about 45 minutes before the ceremony. Bring your cap, gown, name card, and honor cords (if applicable). Your tassel should hang on the right side of the mortarboard. 带上适合天气的装备,如防晒霜、夹克、靴子、帽子、手套、雨披、雨伞等.
前往苏普利齐奥棒球场北侧下方的仪式前集散地. Graduates should check their name card for processional group A, B, 或C, and sit in the assigned section of the baseball stands. For those that didn't pick up their name card beforehand, it can be picked up at a table in that same area. 卡pp电子极速糖果 staff will start lining up the graduates into two lines about 30 minutes prior to the ceremony. When the ceremony starts, graduates will be guided into the stadium to be seated. Use the instructions and processional map for further details on processional line up, 斯托克体育场的座位, 然后穿过舞台.
一旦第一个仪式结束, please exit the stadium to allow for the next ceremony. 建议来宾和毕业生在毕业典礼前在不同的地点确定会面地点.
When it is time to walk across the stage, the commencement marshals will instruct your row to proceed to the stage. Stay in your same seating order as you wait to go to the stage.
Photographers will scan your barcode before the stage and take a photo.
As you arrive on stage, hand your name card to the announcer. You may whisper your name to the announcer to ensure it is pronounced correctly if you wish. 走向总统, 伸出手,左手拿着毕业证盖,右手握着校长的手, look at the camera and smile for the professional photographer.
After exiting the stage, proceed back to your seat.
4.本科学生和系优秀生将由讲话者引导走上讲台, stand in front of the stage facing their fellow graduates, and lead the turning of the tassels from right side of the mortarboard to left.
Remain at your seat until the commencement speaker has closed the ceremony. 没有经济衰退. Feel free to congratulate your fellow graduates. 当时, if you have family and friends who want to meet you, we recommend you have a pre-arranged meeting place. For those attending the first ceremony, 请在仪式结束后尽快离开停车场,以免与前来参加第二次仪式的人士造成交通堵塞.
帽s, Gowns, Hoods, Stoles and Tassels
- 访问 Herff琼斯 订购您的帽子和长袍,兜帽或杂项皇冠项目送货上门或在店内取货.
- Maverick商店有很多定制的衣服来庆祝你的非凡成就! Examples include stoles celebrating specific departments and clubs, 第一代, 骄傲, 女性, 卡pp电子极速糖果, 还有更多!
- 纪念流苏, 校友马克杯和其他校友相关礼品也可在店内或通过Maverick商店网站购买.
- 毕业典礼前一周, 数量有限的帽子, 礼服, hoods and stoles will available for purchase in-store at Maverick商店.
- Maverick商店还将在每次典礼前一小时在比赛日商店位置的Maverick中心正门内提供可供购买的物品.
- Maverick商店 stocks a variety of unique diploma frames available in store or at Maverick商店 网站 . To customize your diploma frame, visit 教堂山经典 or 大学帧 网站.
问题? Please call Maverick商店 at 970.248.1422或电邮 (电子邮件保护)
Name cards are used to announce the graduates name as they cross the stage during the ceremony. 注册办公室将打印你的名片,上面的名字与毕业意向上提供的名字一致.
名片上要列出毕业典礼的时间和参加的游行队伍. 它还将有一个条形码供专业摄影师使用,这样每个毕业生都可以快速获得照片.
- 5月8日(星期三)上午8:30 -下午4:30
- 五月九日(星期四)上午十时至下午二时
地点: Maverick商店 interior entrance next to the UC first floor stage
如果您无法在上述日期领取您的名片,您可以在上述日期之后和开学日之前前往注册办公室. 您也可以选择在仪式当天,当您到达与您的游行团队集合时,在位于集结地的桌子上领取它.
荣誉证书将由注册办公室自动发给符合条件的学生,当他们拿起他们的名片时. To be eligible, you must meet the following criteria:
- Earning a bachelor's degree, associate degree, professional certificate, or technical certificate
- For baccalaureate and associate degrees: have a cumulative pp电子极速糖果 GPA of 3.50 or higher as of the end of the previous term
- For Professional and 技术证书s: have a pp电子极速糖果 GPA of 3.在上一学期末取得的专业技术证书内的课程成绩在50分或以上
A professional photography team from MJ Thomas摄影 会出席典礼吗. 的y will be taking two photos of each graduate, one holding the diploma cover and the other shaking hands with the President. 点击链接或扫描二维码Sign Up To View Your Graduation Photos". You will receive a link to view and purchase photos 3-5 days after graduation. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact MJ Thomas摄影 directly at (电子邮件保护). Guests may take photos from their seats.
After grades post at the end of each term, 注册办公室审查所有提交毕业意向的学生的学位工作报告. 请耐心等待,因为需要长达六周的时间来审查所有毕业生,并将DegreeWorks的毕业申请状态更改为授予或拒绝. Students may review their own DegreeWorks report to check if all requirements were met.
To graduate with Honors or Distinction, 学生的累积平均绩点将用于确定是否包括以下列出的荣誉/杰出类别. 最后一个cademic honors are printed on your official transcript and diploma.
副学士:- With Distinction—大专文凭 graduates with cumulative grade point averages of 3.50 to 3.74.
- With High Distinction—大专文凭 graduates with cumulative grade point averages of 3.75 to 4.00.
- Cum Laude—Baccalaureate degree graduates with cumulative grade point averages of 3.50 to 3.74.
- Magna Cum Laude—Baccalaureate degree graduates with cumulative grade point averages of 3.75 to 3.89.
- Summa Cum Laude—Baccalaureate degree graduates with cumulative grade point averages of 3.90 to 4.00.
的 卡pp电子极速糖果的成绩单 is the official document to verify degree completion. Awarded degrees will show on the official and unofficial transcript. Academic honors and departmental honors are printed on transcripts, if earned. If you need to order a copy of your official transcript prior to the degree award, please be sure to check "Hold for Degree Statement."